Ingersoll Rand SRV150 Relay Valve 1-1/2 NOS
Ingersoll Rand SRV150 Relay Valve 1-1/2 NOS. The information we provide about the item is based on research conducted from various online sources. For accurate guidance on selecting the correct parts and ensuring proper installation, we strongly advise consulting a professional technician. The product is new and unused, but it may have cosmetic imperfections such as scratches, marks, or other blemishes. The item is designated as’NOS’ or’New Old-Stock’. This means the item(s) has not been “used”, but may show signs of wear due to factors such as; prolonged storage on shelves, reshelving, transportation, and/or exposure to weather conditions. Please inspect the photos carefully. The pictures displayed represent the actual item(s) that are available for sale in our inventory. If you have any inquiries or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to ask! Your satisfaction is our utmost priority. Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation! If you have any questions, or concerns, or need assistance with the return process, please feel free to ask. We are here to assist you!